Friday, April 10, 2009

Darfur Genocide

I just read a article about the genocide in Darfur called, “Q&A Facts Behind Darfur”. This whole article states commonly asked questions about the genocide. The Darfur problem started in 2003 with rebellion groups that attacked Sudan’s government. In response to these attacks the president of Sudan Omar al-Bashir sent his troops to Darfur telling them not to bring back any prisoners. Moreno-Ocampo stated. “Al-Bashir is executing this genocide without gas chambers, without bullets and without machetes. The desert will do it for them”. On top of political corruption the people of Darfur also have to deal with the Jajnaweed who are raiding villages one at a time and they are also very responsible for the displacement of 1,200,000 people. Until Darfur can fall under safe political control and eliminate enemy groups Darfur will continue to be in a genocide.

To read this article go to

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