In the online article “Bollywood Confidential” The difference between Bollywood films and Hollywood films are made when Seketu Mehta states, “Bollywood believes in motherhood, patriotism and true love. Hollywood is too ambivalent about family for their tastes.” Also Bollywood films incorporate music, 5 to 14 songs per movie. Bollywood films are starting to spread throughout the world and Seketu Mehta’s explained why that is by exclaiming “They eliminated barriers between Hindus and Muslims and Christians”. Seketu illustrates his own personal experience of what a Bollywood film did to his classmates when he expresses, “my parents had tears in their eyes as they watched 17 mostly white, rich, private-school kids, dressed in sari scraps, dancing to the irresistible beats of songs from the movie”. This common understanding and respecting of cultures along with the emotion of Bollywood films is what makes them, and will continue to make them so successful.
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