Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is collage really worth it?

The last article that I read I was in Chicago for, so my article is from the Chicago Tribune. The article I read was called “Is collage worth it?” This article was posted on October 14th and it argues if collage is really worth the debt you take on. The argument from Sandy Baum was, "If you're going to be a nursery school teacher your whole life, you should not be taking out a lot of loans". Meaning if you going to stay in a lower profession for you whole life maybe collage just isn’t worth it. The counter argument came from Ernest Pascarella as she stated, “There's value added when it comes to critical thinking and moral reasoning” arguing their more that comes out of collage then just the education alone. Not going to collage is a risky decision but as time go’s on it seems that going to collage could be just as risky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's spelled C-O-L-L-E-G-E.

Honest mistake ;)