Monday, October 20, 2008


Hero in a box assignment. -Music Heroes
Music is a way that people can express themselves while spreading a message that can be inspirational for anyone who wants to listen, a band that did this the best in my opinion was the Beatles. some of their more inspiring songs were, "All you need is love" and "Let it be"

The Beatles continue to be viewed as the Heroes of music even after 38 years of the band splitting up.
Some other heroes of music are, Elvis Presley, O.A.R. Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, and Elton John because they all inspire people with there music and can help pick people up when there down.


Music is a gift that feels our heart each day
The blessings of music heal our souls each day
Music relieves the stress in our daily lives
Music is soothing to our ears
The blessings of music heal the sick and comfort the sick also
The blessings of music
Is powerful
It is wonderful to hear
When somebody is playing something for every one to listen
His giving you his gift of music to you and others
And to you also God
The blessings of music Music is powerful
And has a great impact in everybody’s lives
The blessings of music
Music is universal
The blessings of music
You can hear the music being played from far away
Every song is special
Every song has a different meaning and different words

"Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."- Leonard Bernstein
This quote shows that music can send a message that can't just be spoken with words.

"Were it not for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead." -Benjamin Disraeli
Music is a way for people to express themselves in any way that they want, and without music it would make it hard for some people to show who they are.

"It Occured to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition, My discovery was the result of musical perception" (when asked about his theory of relativity) -Albert Einstein
This is the main quote that shows music can help people do great things and Albert Einstein is a great example being that he is one of the smartest people that ever lived. So him being inspired to make his theory of relativity by music is amazing.

Music is a hero in itself for many people, whether people are making it or just listening to it. It can inspire people to do great things by the messages that the songs put out or it can be a lifestyle for people to make money off of. All in all without music people would be more stressed and they would lack a way to express themselves.


ben b said...


i hate you

Anonymous said...

Elton John is awesome.

Excellent project BTW.

@Ben: That's not very nice.

ALLIE said...

good job ryannn! i liked your videos and quotes. nicely done.