Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm Tired

I just read an article in the Star Tribune that was called “Happy Valley man tackles masked robbery suspect in bank parking lot” this article was about a civilian who lives in Happy Valley that chased down a masked robber through a parking lot then tackled the robber thus subduing his until the police came. The man who tackled the robber was a 50 year old named William Roger Onstott. The woman that was robbed was taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries to her nose, hand, and chest. But what I think really happened is that when the armed robber was running away he was taken out by Chuck Norris. This has not been proven but I’m pretty sure I could have all my bro’s back me on this one, The robber probably wasn’t tackled. But laid out with a roundhouse kick right in the face. Yeah Chuck Norris.

1 comment:

ben b said...

Best blog ive ever read righ herrr